No subject

Tue Oct 27 07:32:57 EDT 2009

Good morning:
North Reading is in the process of establishing a second historic=20
district=2E  How do towns with more than one LHD administer these=20
areas?  Are there separate commissions for each district or is their one=20
commission that administers both areas?
Happy DiFranza, chairman
North Reading Historic District Study=20
Committee =20

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<html><head></head><body><FONT size=3D5>Arlington has seven districts, rangi=
ng in size from six to over 100 buildings, each administered by a separate s=
even-person commission=2E&nbsp; However, six of the seven serve on all the c=
ommissions, the 7th member being a resident or property owner in the particu=
lar district=2E&nbsp; Thus, the maximum number of commissioners at any meeti=
ng would be 13 (almost never happens)=2E&nbsp; The seven resident members (a=
s well as the members of the local historical commission) are also alternate=
 members of each commission, so that we can always be sure to have the requi=
site number for a quorum of a particular commission, which must of course vo=
te on certificates and denials=2E&nbsp; There is one chairman, one vice-chai=
rman, one secretary, and one executive secretary for the whole=2E&nbsp; At h=
earings, all of the commissioners may participate, but only the members of o=
r alternates to the particular district can vote=2E&nbsp; We go under the na=
me&nbsp; "Arlington Historic District Commissions" (but the s often gets los=
t in translation)=2E&nbsp; I devised this&nbsp;system many years ago, when w=
e went from one to two districts=2E&nbsp; It has served us well=2E<BR><BR>Jo=
hn&nbsp;Worden<BR>Arlington HDCs&nbsp;<BR><BR></FONT><BR><BR>-------&nbsp;Or=
nzaDesigns at aol=2Ecom[mailto:DiFranzaDesigns at aol=2Ecom]<BR>Sent&nbsp;&nbsp;&n=
;&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;masshistpres at cs=2Eumb=2Eedu<BR>Cc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp=
ic&nbsp;District&nbsp;Study&nbsp;<BR>Committee&nbsp; <br></body></html>


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