[MassHistPres] Signage for National Register Hist. Districts

Kjgkeith at aol.com Kjgkeith at aol.com
Fri Sep 4 15:09:08 EDT 2009

The State Review Board has recently voted eligible the nomination of the  
Canton Corner Historic District, and has sent it to Washington for the final  
review; and we hope approval of the nomination.  In anticipation of  
approval the Canton Historical Commission has begun to consider appropriate  
signage for the HD, and wonder how other communities identify their  NRHD.
Is there one sign placed at a central location in the District?   Do some 
towns place signs entering the District?  We presume signage  needs to be on 
town owned land.  
We are looking for guidance as to appropriate size and materials; also any  
problems incurred with signage.  If you have photos to share, we would  
appreciate receiving them.
Thank you in advance for any and all comments on this subject.
Kathi Keith
Canton Historical Commission
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