[MassHistPres] ponds

Gretchen Schuler ggschuler at verizon.net
Mon Sep 21 15:21:22 EDT 2009

Is it an NR in addition to an LHD district and if NR, is the pond listed as a contributing resource in the district or at least discussed in the nomination - Could the local historical commission (if separate) or the HDC acting as the HC (if the same) complete an inventory form for the mill pond, documenting it, which may give some a better comfort level in "designating" it a historic resource.  

Gretchen Schuler

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nancy Dole 
  To: masshistoric mail list 
  Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 2:54 PM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] ponds

  Thanks everyone for feedback on CPC money for ponds in historic districts. According to our town CPC committee, the Mill Pond has to be designated an historic resource. Its not enough that it is in the historic district. They seem to think the local HDC can designate it as such, I don't think thats something we can do. Any information on this?

  Nancy Dole
  West Tisbury Historic District Commission


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