[MassHistPres] Public Education, Promotion and Publicity for Historical Commissions

Marcia Starkey mdstarkey at crocker.com
Fri Feb 5 12:52:18 EST 2010


This may be the most challenging but fundamental need: to gain community understanding of what we do. Currently we are  working on a two sided flyer entitled in draft "what we do and how to find out more about historic preservation". The first item is "we are NOT the historical society". Our web site is appreciated but needs to reach many more. Letters to the editor receive reactions, and the first of two walking guides is very popular. A system of downtown signs is a major goal now and we are trying to "work with" businesses to fund these. 

The role of a commission in local government needs to be more central and based on a much better understanding of this   potential in achieving community success. How do we gauge  this? We don't receive hate mail!

Marcia Starkey
Greenfield HC      

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Herb Skelly 
  To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
  Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 2:47 PM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] Public Education,Promotion and Publicity for Historical Commissions

  Have you had experience with techniques for publicizing the work of Historical Commissions? The Eastham Historical Commission would like some clues from those who have developed educational programs for the general public: topics; media; venue. Also, how do you fund these? Do you have a budget from your city or town? Do you have benefactors? Do you sponsor house tours, walking tours? 


  Herb Skelly, co-chair, Eastham Historical Commission


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