[MassHistPres] Pre-demolition documentation

jahillsr at comcast.net jahillsr at comcast.net
Tue Feb 9 10:18:28 EST 2010

Sudbury requires notification of demolition permit requests on buildings listed in our Old Home Survey. We anticipate that the expanded use of the new-to-us town GIS system will be a big help for all involved as these property listings are being included in the data. 
I am at work now, but a search for Demolition Delay bylaw on the town website should bring up the language that instructs the Building Department to notify us at the SHC. If you can't find it let me know and I'll forward it to you tonight. 
<Jim Hill, Vice Chair, Sudbury Historical Commission
The Pelham Historical Commission is interested to learn if any town has a bylaw that requires a building inspector to notify the Historical Commission when an application is received to demolish a structure. We are well aware of demolition delay bylaws, but at this stage are solely interested in a provision that will aloow our Historical Commission time to take documentary photography (both interior and exterior) prior to demolition. We envision that we might do this via a bylaw, or possibly include in the application in the application for a permit a requirement that a copy be filed with the Commission. Any experience with this would be much appreciated.

Joseph S. Larson, Chairman
Pelham Historical Commision
27 Arnold Road
Pelham, Massachusetts 01002-9757

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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