[MassHistPres] Electric Meters & other utility locations

Kristi Chase KChase at somervillema.gov
Thu Jul 1 09:32:02 EDT 2010

We have a spate of new electric meters being placed on the front of
buildings in our LHDs.  We only find out about them when the owners
object, otherwise the electricians just install them wherever.  The City
Electrical Inspector told me that the placement of meters does not fall
under MGL 143 section 6A because the Electric Code is different from the
Building Code and therefore we have no say about the location.

How are other cities handling this?  Are there other tools we could be
using to relocate the meters?


Kristi Chase

Kristenna P. Chase, Preservation Planner
Historic Preservation Commission
Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development
93 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA  02143
(t) 617-625-6600 x2525, (f) 617-625-0722

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