[MassHistPres] a website creation question

Sharon Genin sgenin at optonline.net
Wed Jul 7 10:48:14 EDT 2010

hello all - Egremont Historical Commission, located near Great 
Barrington in the Berkshires, is planning to create an interactive 
website to make our Archive holdings more widely accessible. Information 
to be presented on it includes the MHC inventory sheets, maps, a variety 
of written data and photos of historic articles relative to the town's past.

Our budget is limited, so...if  anyone can recommend website creators 
you have worked with (and therefore who might already be familiar with 
the kinds of website structure we'd need) , or know of any pro-bono 
"angels" to help out this process, we'd be very grateful to have them.


Sharon Genin - Egremont Historical Commission
PO Box 218
Egremont MA 01258

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