[MassHistPres] Historic Website

John Bruner jdbLO at hampshire.edu
Wed Jul 7 15:56:36 EDT 2010

Hello All:  I worked with the Easthampton Master Plan committee and chaired the Historic Subcommittee,  one major consensus was that the internet was absolutely one of the most sensible means of distribution of the information. In the time since then I managed to put together a website "www.HistoricEasthampton.com"  I used programs like the Adobe Suite, iWeb and Dreamweaver to create the page and chose HostMonster.com as the place to host it.  Although the feel is more "Homey" than you would get by hiring out town residence say they are happy with the results and I especially designed to be youngster and senior friendly (hence the large text).   While there are still a lot of additions I hope to make (like better maps and more of them, games and special projects for children and students), I would estimate it could be done by others with $100 and a couple months time.
John Bruner

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