[MassHistPres] FW: Zoning reform at last?

Lacy, Jeff (DCR) Jeff.Lacy at state.ma.us
Thu Jun 24 14:31:12 EDT 2010

Just thought the historic preservation community should be kept up to date on the progress of zoning reform in the Commonwealth - Jeff Lacy

A landmark zoning reform bill, several decades in the making, has been favorably reported out of the Massachusetts Legislature's Municipalities and Regional Government Committee, calling for substantial changes to the way Massachusetts cities and towns promote and review development across the state.  The legislation, the "Comprehensive Land Use Reform and Partnerships Act" - or CLURPA - deals with many longstanding formatting and substantive shortcomings of the Massachusetts land use laws.  See the attached press release and please spread the word, especially to your legislators.

 The bill, Senate No. 2482, is a collaboration between planning, housing, environmental, state, regional, and municipal interests.  It has four main components:

1) a consolidated and reorganized Chapter 40A, the Zoning Act, in citable outline format with explanatory headings throughout;

2) a rewritten master planning section 81D of Chapter 41using the same format;

3) selected amendments to the Subdivision Control Law; and

4) a new Chapter 40U in the general laws with incentives for communities opting to plan and regulate in accordance with the state's Sustainable Development Principles.

Some of the substantive areas in CLURPA that affect all communities relate to: vested rights, ANR plans, impact fees, variances, site plan review, zoning and special permit vote majorities, inclusionary zoning, master plan content and adoption, limits on roadway widths, and consistency between master plans and local land use laws.

 Links to the full text of CLURPA, together with a Bill Summary and Table of Statutory Changes, can be found on the CSTCA website at the following address:


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