[MassHistPres] VAF-New England Annual Meeting - Saturday 10 April 2010 - REGISTER NOW!

Shantia Anderheggen sanderheggen at cs.com
Sat Mar 13 09:13:55 EST 2010

*_VAF-New England Annual Meeting_*
Saturday, April 10, 2010
*Old** Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA*

*So What's New? Research on Early New England:*

*A 30th Anniversary Tribute to
/The Framed Houses of Massachusetts Bay, 1625-1725 /by Abbott Lowell 

The 1970s and early 1980s saw a remarkable efflorescence in scholarship 
on the first century of English settlement in North America, among 
social, cultural, and religious historians, and students of material 
culture in its broadest sense, including historical archaeologists, 
architectural historians, folklorists, art historians, and museum 
professionals.  Within the field of material culture alone, exceptional 
works marked our progress in understanding this complex period, led by 
Cummings' /Framed Houses/, including the MFA's /New England Begins/ and 
James Deetz' /In Small Things Forgotten/, with significant contributions 
by Richard Candee, Cary Carson and others. 

In recognition of the anniversary of the publication of Cummings' work, 
the New England Chapter of the Vernacular Architecture Forum has 
gathered together scholars of this formative period for discussion and 
evaluation of the research undertaken since that time. Where do we 
stand, thirty years later, with respect to 17th-century architectural 
studies in New England?  Where we have come since 1979, and what paths 
might we follow going forward?  During our morning program, six scholars 
will present new work and provide their reflections on our progress.  In 
the afternoon, these speakers will be joined by Abbott Cummings and 
Richard Candee on a panel that will assess the state of the field in 
what we hope will be a lively discussion among experts and audience.

8:30-9:00              *REGISTRATION & COFFEE *

9:00-9:15              *WELCOME*

9:15-9:40              */Early New England Buildings: Reflections on the 

Robert Blair St. George, /University of Pennsylvania/

9:40-10:05           */The Framed Houses of Northern New England: An 
Archaeologist's View /*

Emerson "Tad" Baker, /Salem State College/

10:05-10:30         */The Broad Chamfer School: Understanding the 
Client-Craftsman Relationship in Early 18th Century Guilford, Connecticut/*

James Sexton, /Architectural Historian/**

10:30-10:55         */Sources for Reconstructing the Built Environment 
in the Connecticut Valley/*

Kevin Sweeney, /Amherst College/

10:55-11:20         */Recent Observations of Late First Period 
Construction Details in the /**/Connecticut River/**/ Valley/**//*

William Flynt, /Historic Deerfield/

11:20-11:45         */First Period Buildings in Eastern Massachusetts: 
Research in Progress/*

Anne Grady, /Preservation Consultant/

11:45- 12:15        *ANNUAL MEETING*

12:00-1:30           *LUNCH*

1:30-3:00              *ROUNDTABLE*: */Framing the Study of Early New 
England Architecture /*

*_News of VAF-NE_*:  VAF-New England presented two field trips during 
the 2009-2010 season.  Three Lower Pioneer Valley houses were the 
subject of our June tour:  the Day House (West Springfield), the Smith 
House (Feeding Hills) and the Moore House (Southwick).  In September, 
two early and well-known Cambridge, Massachusetts 
houses---Cooper-Frost-Austin and Hooper-Lee-Nichols--were reconsidered, 
based on recent investigations and through tours led by Anne Grady, Tim 
Orwig and Brian Powell.  Members are now preparing for the 30^th 
national VAF meeting ("Housing Washington") in Washington, DC on May 
19-22, 2010.

*_Board of Directors_*:  Elizabeth Cromley, President; Pieter Roos, 
Vice-President; Edward Hood, Treasurer; Shantia Anderheggen, Secretary; 
Directors: Claire Dempsey, Kate Matison, Gordon McClure, Brian Powell, 
Rita Walsh; William Flynt, Past President.

*_Directions to Old Sturbridge Village_*:  Old Sturbridge Village is 
located in the town of Sturbridge, MA, near the intersection of Route 90 
(the Massachusetts Turnpike) and Route 84.  Make your way to Route 
90/Mass Pike and take Sturbridge exit 9, which will be marked for Old 
Sturbridge Village with the brown signs used to indicate historic sites 
and parks.  After paying your toll, take the first right onto Route 20 
west and follow the signs.  You will need to take the jug-handle on the 
right to make the left turn into the Village.  Ample parking is 
available in the Village lot.  From the parking lot, follow the path 
past the Tavern and Bookstore (on the left) and the Visitors Center (on 
the right) to the Fuller Conference Center (just past the Visitors 
Center, on the right).

*_Lunch_*:  VAF-NE offers an informal lunch of sandwiches, drinks, etc, 
at the Conference Center, available for $14/person.  Other options are 
also available at the Bullard Tavern in the historic area of the Village.

Please register in advance, making your check payable to VAF-NE.  
Students should include a photocopy of their student ID.  *Return your 
registration form to: **

*VAF-New England *

*c/o Shantia Anderheggen*

*390 Biscuit City Road***

*Kingston**, RI 02881-1617***

Name: _                                                            
                                    _ Affiliation: 
_                                                    _


_ Telephone: _                                                  

VAF member $10 _         _ Non-member $18 _          _  Student $8 
_           _ Lunch $14 _            _ Other $_           _

*/VAF-New England operates primarily through donated funds and 
services.  Your _additional contribution_ will help us to continue our 
program of field trips and annual meetings!/*

*TOTAL ENCLOSED*: _               _

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