[MassHistPres] Public Meeting Rules

Gloria Greis g.greis at rcn.com
Tue May 18 15:31:08 EDT 2010

Hi Robin,
Needham's demo delay bylaw in contained in its general bylaw under 
the Historical Commission definitions.  The bylaw can be accessed at 
http://www.needhamma.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=1859.  "Demolition of 
Historical Buildings" is  Section 2.11.5, and includes all 
requirements regarding notifications, time frames, etc.

Gloria Polizzotti Greis, PhD
Executive Director, Needham Historical Society
1147 Central Avenue
Needham, MA  02492
phone/fax: 781-455-8860 / g.greis at rcn.com

At 02:10 PM 5/18/2010, Robin Ragle-Davis wrote:
>We have a new Demo Delay Bylaw (as of last fall).
>Until now none of the properties has had any historical significance
>but now we find ourselves needing to call a public hearing.
>I am wondering what the absolute requirements are as well as anything
>town specific regarding how others have dealt with this.
>Questions I have include:
>How many times must the notice appear in the newspaper.
>What are the requirements of the newspaper chosen.
>Regarding the notification of abutters are we only asking that the
>contiguous properties be notified, if not how do we decide how many
>abutters need to be notified?
>Time frame for all of this
>Who pays? Property owner or the Commission?
>I do know the answers to some of these as far as the practices of our
>local District Commission but don't know if it differs from Commission
>to Commission or from town to town.
>Thank you in advance
>Robin Ragle-Davis, Chair
>Wareham Historical Commission

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