[MassHistPres] Historic House on Large Lot

Stefan Nagel snagel at stevesmall.com
Thu Nov 11 17:42:57 EST 2010

An idea to promote the marketing of the property to a preservation minded

If the property is on - or could be placed on - the National Register (as an
individually listed property or a contributing building to a NR district),
AND if the property is in fact sub-dividable, AND if the purchaser of the
property places it under a preservation restriction qualified under MGL c.
184 Sections 31 - 33 and Internal Revenue Code Section 170(h) which
prohibits the subdivision and inappropriate development of the property,
then the purchaser/donor may be entitled to a not insignificant donation
deduction against federal income tax liability.

Stefan Nagel  


Stefan Nagel, Esq., Of Counsel

Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C.

One Gateway Center, Suite 305

Newton, MA  02458

Phone:  617-357-4012

Fax:  617-357-1857


snagel at stevesmall.com



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-----Original Message-----
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of John Worden
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 3:41 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] Historic House on Large Lot

In one of our historic districts, there is a handsome Victorian-era house 
(1884 Queen Anne) on a large lot of some 37,000 square feet.  A few years 
ago, a developer bought the parcel from the family that had lived there for 
generations, and after years of hearings and proposals, the HDC, under 
implied threat of a 40B, gave him permission to build two additional houses,

thus threatening to bring to an end one of the largest open street-scapes in


Now, he has put the property, unaltered, on the market for $1.3+ million. 
So, if any of you happens to know of a family that wants a nice house with 
plenty of open space, convenient to both Boston and the 128 area, please get

in touch.

I have no financial interest in the transaction; my only hope is that the 
house & its grounds somehow be preserved.

John Worden
Arlington HDC


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