[MassHistPres] Demolition in a 40C District to allow for 40B construction

Carol Carolmcarl at comcast.net
Sun Apr 3 00:01:03 EDT 2011

Dennis et al: 

Bedford dealt with a situation pretty close to what you describe. Rather than a building in a Historic District being demolished for a 40B apartment complex, the town's HDC was asked to approve the demolition/flattening of a wooded area in the district to make way for this building. The wooded area was on a beautiful side street (part of which is in the Historic District) and across from Bedford's historic old burial ground, charming old stone fences, and a stone's throw from Bedford Common, a lovely place with a beautiful church gracing the Common. 

These woods were a "contributing" factor in the over-all appearance of the center of the Historic District in Bedford. Complicating things, there were 2 parcels of woods, and soon the second parcel will be destroyed to make way for a "carriage house" type building -- and it all ties in to the total demolition and new construction of the old row of shops along the Great Road across from the Town Common. 

The apartment building on the 1st parcel became a 40c development, which simply added salt to the wounds. However, the Zoning Board gave word that the HDC would review and approve the exterior appearance before the ZBA gave their approval. This helped sooth our souls, and the building now stands with plenty of trees left and planted so that the area is filling in nicely and the apartment building isn't an eyesore in any way. (Parking lot lighting was our biggest problem for this project, and took a year before the HDC and applicant were in agreement. Another story for another time.) 

Kathy - I advise working closely with other Town Boards your applicant needs to visit. Bedford's ZBA was extremely cooperative with the HDC, and vice versa. Good luck on this one. 

Carol M Carlson 
Bedford HDC 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis De Witt" <djd184 at verizon.net> 
To: "Acerbo Bachmann, Kathryn" <KAcerboBachmann at trinitychurchboston.org>, "MHC MHC listserve" <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu> 
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2011 10:48:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Demolition in a 40C District to allow for 40B construction 

I too would be interested in knowing if there ever has been such a case -- re "any building" in a 40c district, as there are no "contributing buildings" under 40c. 


Dennis De Witt 

On Mar 29, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Acerbo Bachmann, Kathryn wrote: 

> Good afternoon- 
> Is anyone aware of any demolitions of contributing buildings in a 40C 
> district to allow for new 40B construction? To my knowledge there have 
> been historic buildings removed for 40B's but not in a 40C district. 
> The Acton Historic District Commission may be facing this issue in the 
> near future- any information is appreciated. 
> Thanks so much, 
> Kathy Acerbo-Bachmann 
> Chair, Acton Historic District Commission 
> Kathryn Acerbo-Bachmann, Director of Art & Architecture Programs 
> Trinity Church in the City of Boston 
> 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116 
> Telephone: 617-536-0944, Facsimile: 617-536-8916 
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