[MassHistPres] re S.2053 from SAH/NE & BPA
Dennis De Witt
djd184 at verizon.net
Sat Dec 10 09:27:55 EST 2011
I am forwarding, in edited form, the following from the President of the Society of Architectural Historians / New England and from the Boston Preservation Alliance because it contains useful contact information.
Dennis De Witt
The State Register of Historic Places and the Massachusetts Historical Commission Review process perform distinct functions. Both are necessary to ensure the minimum acceptable degree of responsible stewardship of heritage in the Commonwealth for future generations. While I generally applaud and support efforts to reduce government bureaucracy, such measures should pass the test of common sense and an examination of consequences. Specifically, a significant proportion of the material culture that has been protected over the decades because of the Massachusetts Historical Commission Review would have been lost if the measures in bill S.2053 <http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/187/Senate/S02053> had been in effect.
The more appropriate response to anecdotal complaints about this important program is to fix the any specific problems of its implementation. The current language in this bill oversteps the boundaries of common sense, and will result in irreversible losses to the Commonwealth's cultural resources that would have otherwise been prevented without undue hardship. We therefore strongly encourage reconsideration of the language of this bill.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Robert Cowherd, PhDPresident, New England Society of Architectural Historians
Associate Professor of Architecture, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston USA
cowherdr at wit.edu; +1 617 989-4453
Sent by email to:
Governor Deval Patrick
Senator Sal DiDomenico <Sal.DiDomenico at masenate.gov>
Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight
Senate Members
Kenneth J. Donnelly <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/KJD0>
Senate Chair
James T. Welch <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/JTW0>
Senate Vice Chair
* Susan C. Fargo <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/SCF0>
* John F. Keenan <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/JFK0>
* Michael J. Rodrigues <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/MJR0>
* Bruce E. Tarr <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/BET0>
House Members
Peter V. Kocot <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/PVK1>
House Chair
James M. Murphy <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/JMM1>
House Vice Chair
* David M. Nangle <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/DMN1>
* Kevin Aguiar <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/K_A1>
* Michael D. Brady <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/MDB1>
* Ann-Margaret Ferrante <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/AMF1>
* Kate Hogan <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/K_H1>
* Jason M. Lewis <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/JML1>
* Edward F. Coppinger <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/E_C1>
* Keiko M. Orrall <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/KMO1>
* Steven L. Levy <http://www.malegislature.gov/People/Profile/SLL1>
To All Boston Neighborhood Historical Societies
Re: Senate Bill S.2053
This bill would reduce the Massachusetts Historical Commission's review of state projects that might adversely affect historic properties (buildings, districts and sites) that are listed in MHC's Inventory but not in the State Register of Historic Places, by permitting the project proponent to ignore MHC's recommendations for preservation or mitigation. The bill would also be retroactive to any previous state project reviews that MHC has done in the past.
The legislation is the result of an unhappy developer on the south shore whose project was "derailed" over MHC’ requirement of limited archaeological mitigation. The developer wanted to build a large industrial facility on a property on Preservation Mass's 2009 “10 Most Endangered” list -- Peace Haven, a site just north of Fall River, whose historic significance dates back to King Philip's War in 1675. In the Fall River Herald News, the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Michael Rodrigues, was quoted as saying he spoke directly with Governor Patrick and was told “send me the bill and I will sign it.” Time is of the essence.
This issue may be quiet for now but it could get hot fast in January. Without vocal, broad based opposition thousands of historic properties could lose the modicum of protection afforded by the Massachusetts Historic Commission’s review. I urge you strongly to voice your opposition to S.2053 to your state senators, to the co-chairs (Kenneth J. Donnelly-Senate, Peter V. Kocot-House) and members of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight, and to the Governor. Please ask interested colleagues to do so as well. This can be done by e-mail: http://www.malegislature.gov/Committees/Joint/J25 will get you to the committee, http://www.malegislature.gov/ will get you to a list of everyone else in the legislature, and clicking on the name will give you the e-mail address. An email can be sent to the Governor’s Office at http://www.mass.gov/governor/constituentservices/contact/. It would be helpful to note projects where the MHC has made a difference in preserving historic assets through their participation and oversight.
Peter Roth
Chairman of the Board
Boston Preservation Alliance
Susan Park
President of the Board
Boston Preservation Alliance
Judy Neiswander
Advocacy Coordinator
Boston Preservation Alliance
Old City Hall
45 School Street
Boston, MA 02108
ph: (617) 367-2458
f: (617) 227-1886
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