[MassHistPres] windows

Marcia Starkey mdstarkey at crocker.com
Mon Feb 7 12:26:01 EST 2011

"Going Green" a seasonal supplement from the Greenfield "Recorder" includes
a full page under Tips for a Greener lifestyle "Preservations' new cry: Save
the Windows!"  about 1/3rd photos, and text boxes, one quotes Maggy Steir of
the NH Preservation Alliance "We want to make sure people have the
information to make good decisions"  and the second "Vinyl window retailers
say their customers are looking for windows that are easy to clean, open and
close in addition to being energy efficient" .  This observes that "with
federal tax credits for installing energy efficient windows set to end this
year, vinyl replacement window installers are anticipating a rush of orders
in the next few months."  


My impression is that many sources have set aside one of the strongest
arguments against vinyl: it is a petroleum based product.  That applies to
historic and non-historic buildings and is something everyone should get


Marcia Starkey

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