[MassHistPres] Seeking examples of carved brick terra cotta

SARA WERMIEL swermiel at verizon.net
Sun Jan 23 13:13:18 EST 2011

For a paper I'm writing on a material called "carved brick," I am looking
for examples on the walls of buildings. This material was used around
1876-80. It is a kind of terra cotta, but differs from molded terra cotta in
that it was made of individual, (usually) brick-shaped clay units, so you
can see the mortar joints of the units, and the carving crossed the units.
It was not commonly used, was soon replaced with molded terra cotta, but
some examples have turned up.

If you've seen something that fits this description, please let me know.

Much obliged,

Sara Wermiel



Sara E. Wermiel, PhD

History of technology/historic preservation consulting

70A South Street

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 USA

617 524-9483


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