[MassHistPres] THPO of Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) issues press release

Bjdurk at aol.com Bjdurk at aol.com
Tue Jul 12 10:08:18 EDT 2011

To All:  
Below please find a press release exactly as issued by  the Tribal Historic 
Preservation Officer (THPO) of the Federally Recognized  Wampanoag Tribe of 
Gay Head (Aquinnah), Bettina Washington.  Below  the press release, please 
find a brief history of the events that have led  up to this action taken by 
the Tribe.  
Most Respectfully, 
Barbara Durkin 
Northboro, MA 
Telephone:  (508) 612-4133  
For Immediate Release:
Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal Historic Preservation  Office
Files Lawsuit Against Cape Wind
Lawsuit Adds to Cape Wind’s Severe  Pending Legal Challenges

Aquinnah, Mass. (July 8, 2011) – The Tribal Historic Preservation  Office 
of The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) announced today they have  been 
authorized by the Tribal Government to file their lawsuit against  
Department of the Interior‘s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and  
Enforcement. The Aquinnah Wampanoag complaint cites multiple violations,  
including irreversible alterations, significant adverse effects and the  
destruction of historical, cultural and spiritual tribal resources through the  
permitting of the Cape Wind project.

“Cape Wind will destroy our traditional cultural property, Horseshoe  Shoal 
and the surrounding Nantucket Sound, where our Tribe has flourished and  
continues to utilize for significant cultural and spiritual ceremonies and  
practices,” said Bettina Washington, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. “
The  Aquinnah Wampanoag are just one of over a dozen parties to file suit 
against the  permitting of the Cape Wind Project and represents one of many 
groups that are  vital stakeholders in the future and livelihood of Nantucket 

As part of the complaint the Tribe is citing the destruction versus  
avoidance; the irreparable damage to the seabed of Horseshoe Shoal – a place  that 
holds cultural and historical significance to the Tribe. The site is also  
eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The  
destruction of the shoal floor will obliterate the ancient archeological site  
and evidence, critical to potentially understanding their ancient human  
occupation of this hemisphere. They also cite the excessive obstruction of the  
Eastern Vista views across Nantucket Sound – one of the most significant 
aspects  to their identity and spirituality that will be caused by the 130/440’ 
giant  turbines; the size of 130 Statues of Liberty spread out over 25 
square miles, an  area of the size of Manhattan.

The action by the Aquinnah Tribe makes for a total of 11 serious  lawsuits 
filed by over a dozen groups in a severe backlash against the Cape Wind  
project. Additional complaints have been filed by The Alliance to Protect  
Nantucket Sound and the Town of Barnstable and also name Department of the  
Interior and BOMRE as well as Army Corps of Engineers, United States Coast Guard 
 (USCG), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement 
(BOEMRE),  and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Bettina Washington, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the  Aquinnah 
Wampanoag states, “The Tribe has previously stated we are not against  
renewable energy projects; however we have also said we would pursue all  
options, including legal action, to protect our cultural heritage and places.  The 
federal agencies and proponents can no longer choose to ignore us or the 10  
other pending lawsuits they currently face. These pending challenges 
against the  Cape Wind Project could ultimately stop the construction of the  
Background  provided by Barbara Durkin: 
As  established by The National Historic Preservation Act, the ACHP is the 
only  entity with the legal responsibility to encourage federal agencies to 
factor  historic preservation into federal project requirements.  The ACHP 
recommended that Secretary  Salazar deny Cape Wind.   


The  Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Officer's SHPO findings 
favor the  Tribes against Cape Wind:  


The National  Parks Service and the Keeper uphold the SHPO findings that 
favor the Tribes  against Cape  Wind:


The  National Trust for Historic Preservation findings support Mass 
Historic  Commission MHC's opinion, and National Park's Service's determination of  
Nantucket Sound's eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places.  
Based on information provided by the  authority on these matters, the 
Tribes, The National Trust for Historic  Preservation rejects Cape Wind. 


Noting  the extraordinary leap of faith on the part of the largest assembly 
in the  history of our nation of Native American's, President Obama made a 
promise to  have meaningful consultation with Tribes. "Today's conference is 
not lip  service" stated our President, the adopted son of the Crow.   

FOR  IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 28, 2010  
“We are disheartened and disappointed with Secretary Salazar's decision  to 
proceed with the Cape Wind project. The Tribe has no choice but to explore  
all of its options for relief from this decision, including injunctive  
NA T I O N A L C O N G R E S S O F A M E R I C A N I N  D I A N S  
The National  Congress of American Indians  
Resolution  #RAP-10-018  
TITLE: Calling  upon the Interior Department to Reconsider its Approval of 
the Cape Wind Project  – EMERGENCY RESOLUTION 
United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc.  
USET  Resolution No. 2010:027 
Indian Country Today
USET, NCAI seek reversal of Cape Wind  approval
By Gale Courey Toensing
Story Published: Jul 12, 2010  
Story  Updated: Jul 13, 2010  

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