[MassHistPres] Are there any successful 'demolition by neglect' bylaws?

Daniel Bibel dbibel at verizon.net
Wed Jun 1 06:36:31 EDT 2011

Here's the situation:  A private school moved into town.  They have done 
some good things to their property, but one of the buildings they own, 
the Jacob Cushman house, has been neglected and is in poor shape.  The 
Historical Commission has contacted the school, sent  letters, met with 
one of their Trustees - all in an effort to explain the historical 
significance of the building.  We've suggested some low cost options to 
reduce continued damage (cut down the vines creeping up the walls, 
properly seal the damaged windows) to no apparent effect.

Some members of our Commission have suggested writing to the various 
members of their Board of Trustees; others have suggested informational 
pickets; and one has suggested the development of a 'demolition by 
neglect' bylaw.

(I should mention that the school successfully restored an adjacent 
property - the William Chenery House, also an historic building, and has 
rented it out.  We congratulated the school for their adaptive reuse in 
this case)

I wonder if there have been successful demo by neglect bylaws or 
statutes -- a concern that has been raised is dealing with property 
owners who neglect their property due to financial hardship (the school 
in question here does plead hardship, although it is  not apparent from 
their buildings and grounds).

Any examples or case studies (pro or con) would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Bibel
Medfield Historical Commission

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