[MassHistPres] State historic preservation conference

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Wed Jun 1 14:56:22 EDT 2011

A few weeks ago there was a discussion thread concerning various forms of organizing across multiple commissions.  As I recall, one of the ideas mentioned was to meet to learn and exchange ideas.

Here's the agenda for the upcoming historic preservation conference in New Jersey: http://www.njhistoricpreservationconference.org.

Positives: It appears that they take a "big tent" approach to the topics and invited organizations, it's only one day, it's not that expensive, and they have detailed information online at an easy-to-find location.

Negative: It's held on a Friday, which means that many commissioners and others would have to take a day off from work if they wished to attend.

Whatever happened to our earlier discussion?


Lee Wright  |  Marlborough

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