[MassHistPres] antique house for sale

jworden at socialaw.com jworden at socialaw.com
Sat Jun 18 16:23:54 EDT 2011

If anyone is interested in an antique (1870) farmhouse with attached barn on a spacious (32k) lot, here is some information.  Let me start by saying that I have no financial interest in this property, but it has come to my attention & I'd like to see it come into the 
hands of someone who appreciates this sort of thing.  The property is off Lowell St. in Arlington, bounded on one side 
by the Mill Brook, on one by the Minuteman Bike Path, and on the third (it's a triangular lot) by a public playing field.

The exterior appears to be in more or less original xconditon.  The interior has been renovated ca. 1950s.  The rooms
 in the house are small but the barn is spectacular and could be converted into impressive  liivng space with a little bit of
 imagination (and a fair amount of money).

The site is as mentioned on the bike path which leads directly to Alewife Station and is not too far from bus connecitons
 at Arlington Heights.  Altho' the address is 176 Lowell St., it is not visible from the street due to an apartment complex 
having been constructed in what must have originally been the farm fields.  The house is not in an historic district but is 
on the Historical Commission's inventory

Price is in the 600s, quite a bit below assessed value.  Listing is with Bowes Real Estate in Arlington.

John Worden
Arlington HDC

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