[MassHistPres] insulating/sealing of sash weight channels

heartwood restoration jade at heartwoodrestoration.com
Thu Mar 10 14:12:29 EST 2011

hi susie...
i find that the rope and pulley system is the easiest most utilitarian method of balancing sash--it's simple, the components last, if not forever, then for a long time and any halfway handy homeowner can remove the sash for repair or maintenance...

jambliners are typically meant for a one time installation...the sash are sandwiched between the liners and slid into the jamb opening as a set...the liners are then stapled or nailed to the jamb...if you need to remove a sash in the future  be certain to wear body armor as the springs will want to shoot across the room and may cause permanent bodily harm...

the weight pocket should currently be more or less 'dead air space' if the exterior trim is properly installed and sealed...insulating the entire pocket may result in trapped moisture which will develop into mold with lack of ventilation...i think insulating the pocket area may have a placebo affect for some folks...in that case, you may want to install 1/2" rigid board to exterior most area of the pocket...that will offer some insulating value but still offer air movement within the area and proper operation of the weights...

there are other types of balance systems such as the 'invisible balance', 'spiral balance' or 'pullman balance' ...the first two require a groove of about 5/8" x 1/2" to be routed at both stiles sides where the balance is  set then attached to the jamb....personally, i'm not fond of these contraptions--i mean balances...the pullman has a 'clock' type tape and looks like an oversized pulley...the tape is pulled out and attached to the side of the jamb...a person who installs these balances on a regular basis is easily identified at social gatherings as the tips of each of his/her finger are missing...

hope that helps.....
jade mortimer
heartwood window restoration
hawley, ma
413-339-4298 p/f
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: wwheelwright at juno.com 
  To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
  Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:13 PM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] insulating/sealing of sash weight channels

  Can someone speak to the issue or direct me to a website that can make
  recommendations and discuss alternatives for the insulating of the sash
  weight channels on double hung windows?  And make recommendations as to
  removal of the weights and replacing them with jamb liners?  These
  windows are circa 1950 with two weights on two pulleys.    The interior
  trim has been removed so there is access to the weights and channels. 
  There is approx. 1.5 inches of unused clearance between the weights and
  the trim that could accomodate insualtion, such as rigid foam and a
  sealant. I've searched my listserve files on window renovation and can't
  find anything that speaks specifically to this issue. Thanks.
  Susie Wheelwright
  Sherborn Historical Commission
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