[MassHistPres] Farms in municipal ownership

Heli Meltsner hmeltsner at verizon.net
Thu Mar 10 16:53:50 EST 2011

Easthampton leased the agricultural fields of the Town Farm to a  
farmer and placed agricultural restrictions on them. Westport leased  
its town Farm to the Trustees of Reservations. The organization  
restored the poorhouse as its office and opened the land to visitors.  
Milton's Selectmen are preparing to issue a RFP for the development  
if its Town Farm, requiring that the historic buildings be retained  
and some of the land kept open.

Heli Meltsner

On Mar 10, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Anne Forbes wrote:

> The town of Acton owns a farm with a 1930s farmstead that has been  
> determined by MHC as eligible for the National Register.  I hope to  
> put together a list of other farms in municipal ownership with  
> farmsteads that have been maintained and preserved by the  
> community.  I'm especially interested in what funding has been used  
> in addition to CPA funds - e.g. federal grants, Mass. Preservation  
> Projects Fund, etc.
> I'd appreciate hearing if your community owns a farm, and how work  
> on the buildings has been paid for.  Thanks!
> Anne Forbes, Acton
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