[MassHistPres] Private property-repair funding?

Harnden Tavern htavern at townofwilmingtonma.com
Wed Mar 16 13:44:40 EDT 2011

Re: [MassHistPres] Private property-repair funding?Thank you to those who responded to my query about funding for repairs to private property.  I told the homeowner to get in touch with PreservationMass, to see if they can offer him any assistance with this, maybe through the barn preservation program.  Unfortunately, we do not have not passed the Community Preservation Act in our town, so no CPA funding is available.

Another aspect to this issue that the homeowner has just shared with me - he's being told by home insurance companies (he says he's talked to more than one) that many insurance companies will not insure houses over 200 years old.  Is this true??  I had never heard that before!  If so, what is a homeowner to do?  He said he could get limited insurance through his mortgage company, but it would not cover much and it would cost a lot more than he has been paying.

Terry McDermott
Wilmington Town Museum at the
Col. Joshua Harnden Tavern, c.1770
430 Salem Street
Wilmington, MA  01887
htavern at town.wilmington.ma.us
The Wilmington Historical Commission can also be reached at the above addresses and phone number.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paul Bourdon 
  To: jack mac donald ; htavern htavern ; masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
  Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 9:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Private property-repair funding?

  Yes, this is true. We applied for CPC funding for the Tavern we dismantled as private homeowners. Specifically, to re-create the front door surrounds and window sash, two very prominent features that clearly offer public benefit. We were turned down not because this did not qualify but because our HC determined that the Tavern was no longer historically significant. Certainly it can be argued that the entire barn is gone without a roof but it would also bolster the argument if it is clearly visible from the public way and I would even say replacement with a wood roof would add even more weight.

  Paul Bourdon

  On 3/11/11 7:55 AM, "jack mac donald" <ospreydesign at verizon.net> wrote:

    Hi Terry,
    I think individuals can apply for CPC funds.  If the town deems the barn and streetscape worthy of preservation and gives the article a positive vote at town meeting the barn could be saved.  Private groups do it all the time.  The homeowners would probably have to agree to a deed restriction that preserves the historic character of the structure.  I assume Wilmington is a CPC town, if not, disregard my suggestion!

    Jack Mac Donald
    Osprey Design Inc
    Restoration and Remodeling
    P.O. Box 972
    Monument Beach, MA 02553
    ospreydesign at verizon.net


    From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Harnden Tavern
    Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:02 PM
    To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
    Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Private property-repair funding?

    I work with the Historical Commission in the town of Wilmington and I was recently contacted by the owner of a home in a National Register Historic District located in our town (period of significance, late 19th century).  The homeowner was looking for funding sources to repair the roof of his barn which collapsed this winter, presumably because of the snow.  He tells me his insurance company says he's not covered for this type of repair.  He was not surprised to learn that it is hard for private homeowners to get funding to do home repairs, even for a "historic" house - I think he's been making phone calls for a few days.  However, he asked if it would be possible for some sort of local historical society to apply for funding on his behalf.  Even as I write this, it sounds awfully improbable to me.  But does anyone know of a situation where this has been done?  Or any other sources of funding for a private homeowner of a house in a National Register District?




    Terry McDermott

    Wilmington Town Museum at the
    Col. Joshua Harnden Tavern, c.1770
    430 Salem Street
    Wilmington, MA  01887
    htavern at town.wilmington.ma.us
    The Wilmington Historical Commission can also be reached at the above addresses and phone number.




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