[MassHistPres] Brick paving

John Worden jworden at swwalaw.com
Thu Mar 17 12:47:34 EDT 2011

Boston has miles of sidewalks with brick paving; they seem to be set in cement, and present a perfectly good surface.

The key to any brick paving, mortared or in sand, is maintenance.  If a brick breaks or disappears, replace it - it's easy and fairly quick to do - and much more easily and attractively done than fixing ugly asphalt with an off-color bulging patch, or concrete, where the whole slab needs to be replaced.

John Worden


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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joey Glushko 
  To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 10:20 AM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] Brick paving

  Our community is looking to improve and remediate some distressed areas which have brick paving; it is in the area of a National Register Historic District, so we would like to keep the brick, if we can, but still be able to respond to the concerns of individuals who point out the hazards offered by the uneven surfaces of old brick walkways.  Can anyone provide direction/suggestion to finding information for brick paving standards and specifications for historic areas?  Technical references would help, as well as images of where brick pavements have been successfully maintained as a good walkable surface.

  Where listpeople have experienced satisfactory replacement of old brick walkways with other materials, we'd like to hear what alternatives were used;  we'd like to find an alternative which can give the "look" of brick, if we cannot find a way to to satisfactorily restore the brick surface.  

  Your help and guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

  Joey Glushko, Planner
  Planning and Comm. Devel.
  Arlington, MA  02476
  Phone:  781-316-3093 


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