[MassHistPres] Resources for homeowners to encourage preservation

Marian Pierre-Louis mpl at fieldstonehistoricresearch.com
Thu Mar 31 10:45:48 EDT 2011



That page, along with the Tips from Homeowners page, provides wonderful
information for the residents of Marlborough. 


If any other towns have similar information, please send me the link.  I
would be happy to create an article featuring the historical resource
information provided by Massachusetts towns.


Marian Pierre-Louis

Medway Historical Commission,

House Historian


From: Lee Wright [mailto:lee at leewright.net] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:23 AM
To: Marian Pierre-Louis; masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Resources for homeowners to encourage


We created a page with information for homeowners, including courses,
architectural salvage dealers, and detailed information to address the myths
about "old windows:"




Suggestions or additions welcome.




Lee Wright  |  Marlborough




On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:08 AM, Marian Pierre-Louis wrote:

I've tried to take some steps in aiding the cause for preservation.  One way
I've done that is by becoming a member of my local historical commission.


I'm very passionate about preserving historic buildings, both the structures
and the history.


I've developed a couple resources for homeowners to

. specifically encourage the preservation of their homes

. to try to build public and popular momentum in the movement to save
historic homes


1. The New England House Historian



I can't research the history of every house in New England myself, however,
I can teach homeowners how to do it themselves.  If I can encourage
homeowners to research the history of their own homes, we are then one step
closer to preserving the broader history of historic homes in New England.


This blog presents ideas for researching the history of historic houses in
New England (really the entire Northeast).


If you know of local residents who are interested in preserving the history
of their house or researching it themselves, please feel free to share this
site with them as a resource.


Two recent articles that you may find of interest are:


5 Ways Homeowners Can Help Save Historic Houses



Can Social Media Save This House?




2. Historic Houses Facebook Group



This group is not specific to New England.  Anyone in the world who loves
historic houses, and is on Facebook, can participate.


The purpose of this group is to bring together people who have a common
interest in historic houses and to provide a venue to share information,
news articles and personal photos.  The underlying purpose is to try to
build momentum and broad support for preserving historic houses.  There are
already over 800 members of this group.


I hope you will take a moment to check out these two resources.  I hope they
can be a tool for you locally to encourage homeowners to become more engaged
in the process of historic house preservation.




Marian Pierre-Louis

Medway Historical Commission,

House Historian




For administrative questions regarding this list, please contact
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us directly.  PLEASE DO NOT "REPLY" TO THE WHOLE
MassHistPres mailing list
MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 

Lee Wright  |  lee at leewright.net  |  469-233-7712



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