[MassHistPres] Replacement Windows

Gretchen Schuler ggschuler at verizon.net
Wed May 18 15:27:30 EDT 2011

I imagine that every HDC is struggling with requests to replace windows with new modern "energy" windows.  I wonder of any advice you have for the way in which your Commission is addressing such requests for mid to late 20th-century buildings in historic districts.  We are seeing requests for replacement windows that are wood clad on the interior but not on the exterior and of course do not have true divided lites - in fact no muntin profile on the exterior lite. 

Any advice as to how you are proceeding with such applications will be appreciated, particularly with all the focus on sustainable green development that is energy efficient.  We know what to say for 19th C. windows but are in a bit of a quandry for 1950s to 1970s dwellings - infill within districts - that may not have the advantage of having old windows for which preservation is easier to promote.   


Gretchen Schuler
Wayland HDC

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