[MassHistPres] Fwd: National Register District Proposal

James Hadley jameswhadley at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 3 13:30:31 EDT 2011

Meanwhile, on Cape Cod, I have received this missive from the wife of a member of the BOS. It was copied to all BOS members. This person thwarted our earlier, well researched proposal for a NRHD, which had the support of the MHC, and was ready to start neighborhood approval
I would appreciate any and all responses to this, and will forward responses to the letter writer and the BOS members.
James W Hadley
Chair, Orleans Historical Commission

Sent from my iPad

> To: "Hadley, James" <jameswhadley at hotmail.com>
> Cc: "Susan Christie" <schristi at gis.net>, "Dave Dunford" <d.dunford at att.net>, "Margie Fulcher" <margie.fulcher at verizon.net>, "John Kelly" <jkelly at town.orleans.ma.us>, "Myra Suchenicz" <msuchenicz at town.orleans.ma.us>, "Sims McGrath" <smcgjr at gmail.com>, "Town Clerk" <commail at town.orleans.ma.us>
> Subject: RE: National Register District Proposal

> James,
> Jon gave me a copy of your meeting minutes dated 19 October.  I must respond to item #3 regarding the proposal for a National Register Historic District.
> I really have to correct the statement that we were ill-informed.  I have reams of comprehensive research on NRH Districts in other places.  Additionally, I have correspondence between myself and State and Federal officials.
> National Register Historic Districts DO indeed come under the purview of the National Park Service.  It is not an allegation.  It is a fact.  Individually, a residence within the district is not going to have a representative from the Federal government come down and monitor the property except in a case where Federal monies are applied.  This is a sticky wicket that none of the people I spoke to in Boston or in Washington could answer clearly.  This is how it works.  If we are in a National Register property and we apply for Federal funds for repairs, then they do monitor and compel certain actions.  My sister-in-law's sister lived in a National Register Property in NH and they even told her what kind of wallpaper and hardware she could use inside her home, so this is not alleged, this is anecdotal.  There are other instances in my files.
> My concern was based on the fact that as a neighborhood, if a body such as the Historical Commission decided to apply for Federal funds to do a project covering the district, no one could clearly state whether that brings us under the control of the Feds.  Until such time as I get some kind of documentation that an outside force cannot come in and put that onus on my property, I will fight this.  It's simply unfair for people who don't live in this area to make an arbitrary decision that will affect our property.  It constitutes a land-taking in my opinion.
> If you want to call this hostility to the proposal, sobeit.  I would be more than willing to sit down and have a factual discussion with someone from the Federal government about the facts of the matter.  From what I understood in the past, the reason for Main Street being so designated was because there were too many alterations to the Academy Ocean B&B for it to qualify on its own, and the District designation was supposed to 'save it.'  That seems to be a moot point since it has changed hands.
> The irony is that there are some valuable historic properties that are not on Main Street that will not be saved by this proposal.  Those of us who do own historic homes do our best to maintain their character in a manner consistent with their past use.  I'd like to understand why we have been singled out since there aren't that many remaining historic properties left along here.  I would think the Commission would try and find a way to target individual properties in town.
> Please be advised that I will fight this.  I was not adverse to a local town run Historic District, but I am vehemently opposed to bringing in the Federal government.  We don't need it.
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