[MassHistPres] For the MassHistPres listserv

Judy Neiswander jneiswander at bostonpreservation.org
Fri Oct 14 16:54:56 EDT 2011

The Boston Preservation Alliance and Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light
are co-sponsoring the following workshop:

*Preparing Your House of Worship for Winter:*

A Workshop by the Boston Preservation Alliance

*Saturday, October 29th, at 10 am*

*St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 14 Cushing Ave.  Dorchester*

* *

What can you do to protect your historic religious building from the rigors
of the winter ahead? LOTS! Come hear Jeff Shaw of Donham & Sweeney,
Architects, and Tom Nutt-Powell from Massachusetts Interfaith Power and
Light (MIP&L) discuss quick, easy, and inexpensive ways to minimize
weather-related damage and save energy and money at the same time! Topics to
be covered will include protecting foundations, walls and roofs, windows and
doors; the different challenges facing masonry, wood, and metal; and how
thermostats, interior "storm" windows, and added insulation can cut your
energy costs and make your congregation and other users more comfortable.

Light refreshments will be served. This event is free but space is limited
so advance registration is required.  Please RSVP to
jneiswander at bostonpreservation.org.

* *
Please help us promote this event.

Many thanks,



Judy Neiswander
Advocacy Coordinator
Boston Preservation Alliance

Old City Hall

45 School Street

Boston, MA  02108

ph: (617) 367-2458

f: (617) 227-1886
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