[MassHistPres] Lead paint and windows

John Worden jworden at swwalaw.com
Tue Oct 18 10:35:45 EDT 2011


I don't know specifically about the cost of de-leading, but we have found 
that restoring/repairing deteriorated wood windows can be done in many cases 
for $300-400 per window.

Before allowing the replacement of essentially sound original windows, we 
require that estimates be presented on restoration instead.

John Worden
Arlington HDC


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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ralph Slate" <slater at alum.rpi.edu>
To: "massHistPres MA" <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 10:44 PM
Subject: [MassHistPres] Lead paint and windows

> At this week's Springfield Historical Commission meeting, we have two 
> proposals for replacing windows with inappropriate vinyl windows because 
> of to lead paint issues.
> The argument of the first house is that they must replace the windows 
> immediately due to the lead paint risk, and they can only afford the 
> absolute cheapest option (vinyl, grids between the glass). The owners 
> purchased the property 2 years ago. They have a six year old child living 
> there, and plan on having additional children. They have 47 windows, and 
> they are claiming a cost of $39,748 to replace with vinyl grids between 
> the glass ($845 per window), and a cost of $67,082 to do vinyl with fixed 
> exterior grids ($1,427 per window). No cost of deleading and repairing 
> existing windows has been supplied - does anyone have ballpark figures for 
> this kind of action?
> The second house is being offered for sale to a residential facility that 
> houses pregnant women, so the same lead paint issue is being raised, 
> though the situation is different because the new owners would have the 
> issue.  An additional issue is that they are claiming to be required to 
> have tempered/safety glass in all windows -- this is the first I've heard 
> of such a requirement.  They are proposing to replace 12 windows at a cost 
> of $20,870 ($1,739 per window) for vinyl, or $30,850 done in wood ($2,570 
> per window). I believe these costs are higher because the current windows 
> are made with curved glass. No cost for abatement on these windows has 
> been provided either.
> Does anyone have any experiences with such issues? Is there a legally 
> defensible position here, especially in the case with young children 
> already occupying the house? We do allow replacement windows as long as 
> the new windows meet certain guidelines, the new windows must have fixed 
> exterior grids, they must be in a dark color, and must be crafted like an 
> original window with the sash sitting on the sill, and not sitting within 
> a channel (like most vinyl windows).
> Thanks,
> Ralph Slate
> Springfield Historical Commission
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