[MassHistPres] Boston Preservation Alliance Preservation Achievement Awards submissions due April 27th

Christine Piontek cpiontek at bostonpreservation.org
Tue Apr 10 12:14:31 EDT 2012

A reminder that the deadline to submit nominations for the Boston
Preservation Alliance's 2012 Preservation Achievement Awards is Friday,
April 27, 2012.

The Preservation Achievement Awards recognize exemplary preservation
projects or activities in Boston's neighborhoods and downtown area that have
been completed within the 2011 calendar year.  Achievement Award winners
will be honored at the Alliance's 2012 Awards celebration to be held in


To view previous winners and to download the 2012 nomination form, please
tml.  For more information about the Awards, please email Christine Piontek
at cpiontek at bostonpreservation.org or call 617.367.2458.



Christine Piontek

Membership & Programs Manager

Boston Preservation Alliance

 <http://www.bostonpreservation.org> www.bostonpreservation.org

Old City Hall

45 School Street

Boston, MA  02108

ph: (617) 367-2458

f: (617) 227-1886


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