[MassHistPres] MA DCR Curatorship Program - Now accepting proposals for Upton CCC Camp

Allen, Kevin (DCR) kevin.allen at state.ma.us
Thu Apr 26 17:31:57 EDT 2012


The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Historic Curatorship Program is pleased to invite proposals for the rehabilitation, reuse and maintenance of the historic Upton CCC Camp Cottage and Administration Building.   The Request for Proposals seeks to identify qualified parties interested in exchanging their skills and resources for a long term lease in one of the state's most historically significant parks.

The property makes up one of the last remaining examples of a CCC camp landscape in the United States.  Designated "SP-25", the Upton Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp was erected ca. 1935.  The CCC was one of the New Deal's most successful programs - putting American men, unemployed due to the Great Depression, back to work by conserving public lands.  In addition, the CCC built much of the infrastructure which created the national and state park system- a legacy that endures to this day. Time has taken its toll on the camp over the last few decades, and today only two buildings and the original parade ground survive intact.

Curators are selected through an open and competitive process and proposed reuses must be compatible with the historic and natural character of the park or forest. Proposals are evaluated according to the experience of the applicant, the quality of the reuse plan, proof of sufficient resources to undertake the project, and level of public benefit beyond providing biannual public access.  Average lease terms range from 20 to 30 years.

An open house is scheduled for Saturday, May 12, 2012, from 10am-3pm (please RSVP).  Responses to this RFP are due on June 20, 2012 at 5:00pm.

Click http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/curator/upton_ccc.htm for the Request for Proposals.

For hard copies of the documents or more information on the program, send an e-mail to HCP.Requests at state.ma.us<mailto:kevin.allen at state.ma.us>, call 617-626-1361, or write to Historic Curatorship Program, Department of Conservation and Recreation, 7th floor, 251 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02114.

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