[MassHistPres] Insurance on town-owned historic structures

Joseph Larson larson at tei.umass.edu
Fri Aug 3 21:39:36 EDT 2012

The Pelham Historical Commission has been asked to confirm that the values
in the town's insurance policy for the town-owned historic buildings is
correct. There are values for each structure and for contents of each.


We have not been asked to address this issue before now and are seeking
guidance. One building is owned by the town but by Town Meeting vote is used
by the private Historical Society as a Museum. Another town-owned building
includes a room that by Town Meeting vote is also used by the Historical
Society. In both cases they contain a lot of Society property.


Information on how this is handled in other towns, or references to
"standard practices" would be welcome.



Joseph S. Larson, Co-Chairman

Town of Pelham

Historical Commission

27 Arnold Road

Pelham, Mass. 01002-9757




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