[MassHistPres] Charles E. Beveridge Research Fellowship-Application Deadline April 2

Rowcroft, Jessica (DCR) jessica.rowcroft at state.ma.us
Tue Feb 7 11:16:00 EST 2012

Friends of Fairsted announce the Charles E. Beveridge Research Fellowship


The Charles E. Beveridge Research Fellowship honors an eminent scholar, editor of The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, and devoted friend of Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site (Fairsted) and its archives and collections. The Fellowship is intended to encourage the use of these archives and foster the continued development of Olmsted scholars. One Fellowship with a stipend of $1200 will be awarded in 2012. This stipend may be used to defray the living or travel expenses for one individual who wishes to come to the Brookline/Boston area to conduct research at Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site in Brookline, MA, between May 2012 and April 2013. Applications may be submitted by email (pdf attachment), USPS mail or delivery. All applications must be recieved by 4:00 PM EDT Monday, April 2, 2012. Additional information, application form and guidelines can be found as a pdf here<http://www.friendsoffairsted.org/BeveridgeFellowshipApplication.pdf> or as a MSWord file here<http://www.friendsoffairsted.org/BeveridgeFellowshipApplication.doc>.

Information on the archives and collections at Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site can be found at here<http://www.nps.gov/frla/olmstedarchives.htm>.

Jessica A. Rowcroft
Bureau of Planning & Resource Protection
Department of Conservation & Recreation
251 Causeway St, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02114
ph:  617.626.1380

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