[MassHistPres] Contribution to Street scape?
Diane Derby
derby01 at comcast.net
Wed May 2 13:29:05 EDT 2012
In the BallardVale Historic District in Andover, it is very unlikely that we would allow the tear down of "a lovely old house on a street of properties of similar or older homes". I'm sure that's true with most Historic District Commission's.
Diane Derby, V Chair, BVHDC
On May 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, Robin Ragle-Davis wrote:
> I am looking for information from anyone on a HIstoric or Historic District Commission who has had a hearing regarding demolition on a property that is a significant contributor to a street scape. That is, the building is a lovely old house on a street of properties of similar or older homes and though it is not to our knowledge associated with any significant persons or events would be a loss to the neighborhood.
> We don't have an actual built date on the property but it appears to be 19th century at the very least - perhaps older.
> Robin Ragle-Davis, Principal
> rr.interactive
> robin at rrinteractive.com
> www.rrinteractive.com
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