[MassHistPres] Lead Certification Training and Window Restoration Workshop

Rebecca Harris Rebecca_Harris at nthp.org
Mon May 14 12:04:53 EDT 2012


This program is offered in VT, but is open to participants from MA.  If you're interested, please contact Ann Cousins.  Her contact information is below.

The Preservation Trust of Vermont is hosting Lead Certification training Monday-Tuesday May 21-22 by Terese Churchill, MS CIH of Evergreen Environmental Health and Safety.  The hands-on training that will be structured around historic Wooden Window Repair with Sally Fishburn of SA Fishburn, Inc.

Cost for Certification Training, overnight at the Grand Isle Lake House, and all meals is $250 for a shared room and $300 for a single. The Workshop starts at 2:00 Monday and will be completed by 2:00 Tuesday.

To register or for more information, please contact Ann Cousins  ann at ptvermont.org<mailto:ann at ptvermont.org>, 802-343-8180,  or register online at:


Registration is meant to end today, May 14th, but we would like to have a few more participants

Lead safe "Certification Renovator" is the EPA required training for firms or individuals involved in renovation, repair and training. Under the 2010 EPA Lead, Renovation, Repair & Painting  (RRP) Rule, contractors, renovators, remodelers, painters, maintenance workers, volunteers, and others performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb painted surfaces in homes, apartments, child care facilities and schools built before 1978 must be certified.  Firms must have at least one "Certified Renovator" assigned to jobs where lead-based paint is disturbed.

How do you become a "Certified Renovator"?  An individual must successfully complete the Renovator initial (8 hours) conducted by an EPA or State-accredited RRP training provider such as Terese Churchill of EverGreen Environmental Health & Safety Inc.  Firms who knowingly or willingly violate the EPA regulation may be fined up to $37,500 per violation and/or face imprisonment.

Upon successful completion of this 8-hour course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion stating that you are trained in lead safe work practices and meet the requirements of EPA Lead Safety RRP Rule.

Visit epa.gov/lead/pubs/renovation.htm<http://epa.gov/lead/pubs/renovation.htm> for full details on EPA's new renovation rules.

 Facts: by the numbers

*         35 million homes have lead paint
*         8.4 renovation events happen each year
*         235,000 firms will need RRP Certification
*         $32,500 per day for violation of the rule, enforceable by any individual, not just Federal, State or local government employees.

Instructors' Bio:
Terese Churchill, MS CIH - EverGreen Environmental Health and Safety is an Accredited EPA Training Provider for the new Lead RRP Rule.  EverGreen's Principal instructor, Terese Churchill, MS, CIH, has extensive experience in environmental health and safety.  She started her career as an OSHA compliance officer, and held private industry EHS Executive psotions for Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Husky Injection Molding and Ethan Allen Inc.  Terese is a VT licensed lead inspector/risk assessor and an accomplished training provider for occupation health and safety courses.

Sally Fishburn is a 1987 graduate of Penn State University with a BS in Architecture.  She attended the North Bennet Street School<http://nbss.org/Programs/index.asp?pageaction=ViewSinglePublic&LinkID=79&ModuleID=17> in Boston and completed the two year Preservation Carpentry program in 1991.  Working as a preservation specialist in Pennsylvania and Vermont, she also honed her fine woodworking skills at Littleton Millworks in Littleton, NH from 1997 - 2001.  S. A. Fishburn, Inc. has been in business since 2001.   In addition to wooden window restoration, historic plaster repair, millwork, and custom cabinetry, S.A Fishburn demonstrates traditional woodworking skills at history conferences, expos and museums throughout Vermont and provides historic window conservation training through the Preservation Education Institute.

Ann Cousins
Preservation Trust of Vermont
104 Church Street
Burlington, VT 05401
802-329-2032 (fax)
ann at ptvermont.org<mailto:ann at ptvermont.org>

Rebecca Harris| Field Officer, Boston Field Office
National Trust for Historic Preservation | Seven Faneuil Hall Marketplace, 4th Floor, Boston, MA  02109
Phone: 617.523.0885| Fax: 617.5231199| Email: Rebecca_Harris at nthp.org<blocked::blocked::mailto:Rebecca_Williams at nthp.org> | www.PreservationNation.org<blocked::http://www.preservationnation.org/>

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