[MassHistPres] Opposition to Senate Budget Amendment GOV 119

jdianeol at aol.com jdianeol at aol.com
Wed May 23 13:32:39 EDT 2012

 Just to clarify... 
This is a matter before our state senate here in Massachusetts, not the US Senate in Washington. Although it cannot hurt to phone Senators Kerry & Brown in this matter, they cannot vote on it. If you need to check for contact info (including name) of your state senator, go to this link (modified minimally to allow it past the masshistpres restrictions on active hyperlinks)
(just add the "www." part on the front)

Diane Oliver-Jensen
West Brookfield



-----Original Message-----
From: heartwood restoration <jade at heartwoodrestoration.com>
To: Courtney Whelan <cwhelan at preservationmass.org>; masshistpres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 1:23 pm
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Opposition to Senate Budget Amendment GOV 119

because time is of the essence and bills are often voted on on fridays and because  senators brown and kerry offer an email form rather than an email address, i called and spoke with staff in each senator's office requesting that they OPPOSE the bill proposed by senators rodrigues and donnelly (S-2053)...
for those of us who have precious little time to write a letter on this important topic, may i urge you to pick up the phone and call?
john kerry         617 565-8519
scott brown      617 565-3170
jade mortimer
heartwood window restoration
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   Courtney Whelan 
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:05   PM
Subject: [MassHistPres] Opposition to   Senate Budget Amendment GOV 119

Earlier this week, Preservation Massachusetts learned from our   SHPO's office about a proposed senate budget amendment, GOV 119, that would   seriously curtail the Massachusetts Historical Commission's review authority   on historic preservation projects in the state
After reviewing the proposed changes, and strategizing with   partners and other colleagues, Preservation Massachusetts submitted the   following letter to Senators Kenneth Donnelly and Michael Rodrigues and copied   Senate President Therese Murray and Secretary of State Galvin, supported by   our Board of Directors.  
Preservation Massachusetts and the SHPO's office reached out to   our statewide network through our Preservation Coalition, Board of Directors   and other partners and ask that you also contact via email or letter your   Senators to oppose this serious threat to MHC and historic resources and   preservation efforts in our state. 
May   22, 2012
Senator   Kenneth Donnelly
Senator   Michael Rodrigues
Massachusetts   State House
Boston,   MA 02133
RE:        Opposition to Senate budget amendment GOV #119 - The   Massachusetts Historical                             Commission
Dear   Senators Donnelly & Rodrigues:
On   behalf of Preservation Massachusetts, I write to you regarding Senate budget   amendment GOV 119 and its impact on the Massachusetts Historical Commission   (MHC).   Preservation Massachusetts is the statewide non-profit   organization that actively promotes the preservation of historic buildings and   landscapes as a positive force for economic development and the retention of   community character. We work with partner organizations across the   Commonwealth and beyond in our efforts to promote, educate and advance   historic preservation.
The   proposed Senate budget amendment GOV #119 would have serious implications on   the ability of MHC to preserve the numerous historic properties,   archaeological and Native American sites that make up the rich heritage of our   Commonwealth.  It is this heritage and the history in our buildings that   attracts many residents and businesses to call our state home.  The   oversight and guidance of the MHC is important to retaining that history as   the state continues to expand and grow into the future.
That   guidance and oversight would be compromised by proposed changes in the Senate   budget GOV #119.  As their regulatory statute currently reads, all   parties must consult with MHC after their finding of an "adverse effect" in   order to explore prudent and feasible alternatives that would eliminate,   minimize or mitigate the adverse effects of a project. In the proposed   amendment, such review would be triggered only if the project proponent   requests consultation. We feel that an optional consultation and review would   not be undertaken by the majority of proponents, a situation that could have   dire consequences for many historic resources.
Also,   the proposed 90-day limit on the consultation process would severely curtail   the ability of MHC to properly explore feasible alternatives, conduct   feasibility studies, structural analysis and conduct archaeological   investigations. It would also limit the ability to seek comments from   consulting and interested parties, which can prove important a project or   historic resource.
After   a consultation, MHC would only be able to issue recommendations under the   proposed amendment. Currently MHC develops a Memorandum of Agreement which   commits the proponent to mitigation. Simply issuing recommendations would   allow proponents to essentially ignore MHC's findings and could jeopardize   numerous historic resources and have far and long ranging consequences for our   state.
Preservation   Massachusetts has spent nearly three decades promoting the positive and   economic benefits of historic preservation in our Commonwealth.    Preservation means jobs, economic development, community revitalization,   tourism and enhanced quality of life, all while retaining the incredible   historic fabric of Massachusetts for future generations.  Every effort   should be made to ensure that that historic character remains intact but can   also grow with us into the 21st century and beyond.
As   a statewide organization, tasked to represent all 351 cities and towns in our   Commonwealth, we stand in opposition to Senate budget amendment GOV #119. We   are happy to discuss this with you at any time and hope to work with you to   find a reasonable alternative to the proposed language and its impact on our   historic resources in Massachusetts.
James   W. Igoe
Preservation   Massachusetts 
To   find contact information for Massachusetts Legislators click here.
Also,   there is another amendment (OTH18) that would a negative effect on an historic   Olmsted landscape listed on the National and State Registers of Historic   Places.  It proposes the transfer of the currently DCR owned property to   the City of Boston and authorize its transformation into a parking area. The   parcel was conceptualized as part of the Emerald Necklace in 1883 and built in   1897.  
Please   contact your Senator's office today! 


Preservation Massachusetts
Old City Hall
45 School Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Courtney M. Whelan
Program Manager
Preservation   Massachusetts
Old City Hall
45 School Street
Boston, MA   02108
(617) 723-3383


For administrative questions   regarding this list, please contact Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us   directly.  PLEASE DO NOT "REPLY" TO THE WHOLE LIST.
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For administrative questions regarding this list, please contact 

Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us directly.  PLEASE DO NOT "REPLY" TO THE WHOLE 


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