[MassHistPres] applications for demolition

Marcia Starkey mdstarkey at crocker.com
Thu May 31 09:45:49 EDT 2012



My reaction is to note that Greenfield has the same requirement on its form,
but the forms have not, in my experience, included these details nor have
they apparently been returned for this reason. I sense that this is due to
the time which would be required to verify the information by overworked
staff.  The problem here does not warrant making this an issue as the
ordinance applies only to NR buildings or those with an MHC opinion. The
sole example was demolition justified by neglect. The Inspectors office
calls all demo applications to the HC'c attention. 


Marcia Starkey   


From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of james hadley
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:56 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] applications for demolition


Our Historical Commission has received a notice of intent from a corporate
owner to demolish an historic building . Our application form, prepared by
the local Building Commissioner, requires a reason for the demolition. The
application in question cites the building condition, indicating an unsound
structure. No backup for this is presented, although it is clearly called
for in the application form, as follows:

The Notice of Intent shall include the following :
... - A statement of the reason for the proposed demolition and data
supporting said reason, including where applicable, data sufficient to
establishing any economic justification for demolition.

The Town Counsel has issued his opinion that the application is complete,
and that we should proceed to hold a public hearing on the application. We,
on the Historical Commission believe that the application should include
required data prior to consideration being given to the request. We are
curious as to whether other commissions utilize the same procedures, and, if
so, whether an application is not considered until all required information
is presented.

James Hadley
Orleans Historical Commission

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