[MassHistPres] FTC ruling on replacement window complaints

jdianeol at aol.com jdianeol at aol.com
Thu May 31 13:43:04 EDT 2012

 Indeed, the brochure does not say what we would all hope. Also when you get an energy audit from the power company they tell you that you can get financial incentives for replacing single glazed, wood windows with double glazed "energy efficient" ones... even if you have literally JUST replaced failed, cheap, poorly installed vinyl windows that all had failed glazing seals with brand new, well made wooden single glazed windows with quality exterior storms and have heat sensor readings showing marked improvement in heat retention with the wooden single glazed + storm versus the vinyl. I know because this is what I went through just one year ago. The list of disappointments could go on & on.

We can focus on the problems remaining to be solved and throw up our hands in surrender or we can look for any tool available to assist us in countering the current mindset that ONLY new double glazed windows are energy efficient. Does the FTC brochure make the case for us for retaining existing wood over replacing with inappropriate materials? Unfortunately no, but other federal agencies do (NTHP & National Parks both). But they do now clearly show that window manufacturer's claims ought to be viewed as highly suspect. They have only taken action against 5 small players SO FAR, but we can and should now use this to drive our point.

When a citizen or a judge tells one of our commissions that replacement windows are "necessary" for financial hardship reasons, and we can counter them with NTHP & NPS web sites, Boston Globe & Fine Homebuilding articles, the several studies that have been mentioned on this listserve and now also with this FTC ruling and their brochure that asks the questions this one does, and THEN reply to those same questions with proof that repairing existing windows are usually less expensive in the short run and absolutely far less expensive in the long run AND that the energy savings will NOT be enough to recover the cost of purchase & installation charges in the viable lifespan of those windows, then it does, perhaps do us some good.

It is all in how you look at it and put it to use. If you view it as a fail for not going all the way, then it will be a fail. If you view it as an incremental step and a tool that may be able to help, then it can be put to some use.

That's all I was trying to say and apparently needed to spell out more succinctly.  

Diane Oliver-Jensen, rla, LEED A.P.



-----Original Message-----
From: Garrett Laws <copperandslate at gmail.com>
To: jdianeol <jdianeol at aol.com>
Cc: masshistpres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 12:46 pm
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] FTC ruling on replacement window complaints

The FTC brochure still doesn't clearly address the retention of existing wood windows and pro's and con's of doing that. See for yourself...



The Copper & Slate Company, Inc.
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On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:11 PM,  <jdianeol at aol.com> wrote:

Here's an interesting report on a recent ruling by the Federal Trade Commission against 5 replacement window manufacturers with links to the FTC site for their take on it and both have links to the FTC brochure on their recommendations when you are shopping for windows. It may prove very helpful to some of your commissions in dissuading residents and/or judges that replacement windows are "necessary" for financial hardship reasons... at least it provides another weapon in the arsenal.

I hope this gets you the article and the link without violating the hyperlink prohibition

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Diane Oliver-Jensen, rla, LEED AP
West Brookfield

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