[MassHistPres] Essex Historic Commission - Town Survey

Richard Stevens specwood at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 20:50:55 EDT 2012

I am not sure if this is the correct venue to submit a request for bid 
or if this is a location for joining the mailing list.  However, we are 
interested in submitting this invitation to bid for a whole town 
historic properties survey plan - would you let us know if you are the 
right source for this?

/           " Essex Historic Commission is offering invitations to bid 
on a whole town survey report.  Anyone qualified and interested should 
contact Richard Stevens, Chair EHC, at specwood at gmail.com"

/Thank you,/

Richard Stevens
specwood at gmail.com


Specialty Woodworking * 8 Deer Hill Farms Road * Essex, Massachusetts 
01929 * 978.768.9001
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