[MassHistPres] Orange County Municipal Building Paul Rudolph

james hadley jameswhadley at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 19 11:49:53 EDT 2012

I do not know how many on the list are familiar with Paul Rudolph and his work. It is out of fashion in the popular culture today, as is the Boston City Hall. Rudolph designed a large number of public buildings including the Yale School of Art and Architecture and classroom buildings at the U of Mass at Dartmouth. (These can be seen in the University profile on the campus website.) His work is characterized as  "New Brutalism". 
But Rudolph is especially disliked in some quarters. (A critic writing in the NYT accused both Rudolph and le Corbusier of "Crimes Against Humanity.") And unfortunately Rudolph's skill as a detailer left much to be desired, meaning deferring maintenance causes havoc with the buildings unless they have been attended to and modernized.
There is now an attempt by the Orange County, NY government to destroy their Rudolph building in Goshen using the deferred maintenance technique, and some architects have petitioned the government to stop this practice.
Anyone wishing to help save this building can access a petition at the following: signon.org/sign/dianafix-the-oc-government

James Hadley AIA, BSA
Chair, Orleans Historical Commission 		 	   		  
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