[MassHistPres] Landscape Preservation Roundtable Announcement

Maureen OBrien landscapepreservation at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 15 16:26:57 EDT 2013

Submitted by:
Maureen O'Brien, Vice President
New England Landscape Design and History Association (NELDHA)
From: landscapepreservation at hotmail.com
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Landscape Preservation Roundtable Announcement
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:12:08 -0400

A Preservation Roundtable and Workshop on the Fountains and Gardens of renowned landscape architect Fletcher Steele at Rolling Ridge in North Andover, Massachusetts will be held on Monday, September 16, from 9:30 - 3:00 pm.
 Rolling Ridge is a destination place with a hidden gem - its landscape. It hopes to preserve its landscape as a showplace of the genius of one the nation’s great landscape architects - Fletcher Steele. This Roundtable is a step in achieving that goal.  Two of Steele's designs are designated National Historic Landmarks: Naumkeag in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and the Amphitheatre in Camden, Maine. Of the 500 plus gardens  Steele designed, Rolling Ridge ranks in the top three according to Robin Karson, author of Fletcher Steele, Landscape Architect. The garden rooms, the fountains and the layout reflect the genius of Steele in his first commission after leaving the employ of Warren Manning and foreshadows his later work. Years of New England weather have deteriorated the concrete and stopped the water flow. Five Steele experts will illuminate Steele at Rolling Ridge with presentations, a tour the garden and fountains. Plans for restoration will also be discussed.  The Roundtable is open to the public who will be able to see this historic gem, view the plans and ideas for restoration and share in the conversation on the future of this significant landscape. Register online at www.rollingridge.org. The program includes a delicious lunch, presentations and tour. Rain or shine. Sponsored by Rolling Ridge and New England Landscape Design and History Association.

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