[MassHistPres] handling fences in historic districts

Polly Burnell paburnell at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 11:09:38 EST 2013

Forgive my tardiness here, I just want to thank everyone who replied to my
post about how to handle fence enforcement in historic districts.  Our HDC
is meeting on Weds. and I'm going to forward your replies to the members.

All in all, it sounds as if most of you who replied have similar issues
with both getting the information out to the public and enforcement; and
I'd like to reiterate that fences are the only thing under our purview that
either Aren't a building or are Not a Part of the building - making it easy
for them to slip through the cracks.  We will probably do as others here
have suggested and publicize our bylaw, cross our fingers, and hope it

Thanks again, all -
Polly Burnell
Provincetown Historic District Commission
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