[MassHistPres] FW: Thank you for taking action for Historic Tax Credits

Marcia Starkey mdstarkey at crocker.com
Mon Jul 22 11:08:43 EDT 2013

This is about the National Trust's campaign to ask Congress to keep the
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits rather than leaving it in the
wastebasket now proposed. The tax credits were used to rehabilitate about 6
National Register buildings as a group project in the center of Greenfield
several years ago, and others there in the past. We hope to use them to
encourage others in that area soon. It's a simple process to send a message
to Elizabeth Warren via the Trust.  


Marcia Starkey, Greenfield HC     


From: National Trust for Historic Preservation
[mailto:email at savingplaces.org] 
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 4:21 PM
To: mdstarkey at crocker.com
Subject: ADV: Thank you for taking action for Historic Tax Credits


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Thank you for letting Congress know how important the federal historic tax
credit is to our economy and our heritage. This program is exactly the type
of program we need to keep our country moving forward. But for the tax
credit to continue to help revitalize our older and communities - especially
in this climate of tax reform - it will need strong champions like you.
Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to the National Trust for
Historic Preservation to keep our campaign well-fueled for the fight.
Current and future generations will thank you.

And help us spread the word via Facebook and email using the text below!

 <http://on.fb.me/12LcZrS> Description: Image removed by sender.

I just joined the National Trust for Historic Preservation in calling on the
Senate to stand up for the federal historic tax credit program. For more
than thirty five years it has quietly and effectively created skilled
American jobs, stimulated local economies, and revitalized historic
buildings and communities - while more than paying for itself. This program
is now under fire on Capitol Hill. The Senate Finance Committee has wiped
the tax code clean and the responsibility is on our senators to argue for
putting the historic tax credit program back on the books by July 26. Get
involved TODAY by urging your senators' support for the historic tax credit.
Thank you.

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Description: Image removed by sender. National Trust for Historic



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C 2012 National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW,
Washington, DC 20036
202.588.6000 | 800.315.6847 | 202.588.6085 (fax) |
<http://www.preservationnation.org> PreservationNation.org

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