[MassHistPres] HPC delegation of responsibilities to Staff

Jane Guy JGuy at Salem.com
Tue Apr 22 09:30:35 EDT 2014

The Salem Historical Commission voted as a policy (not an ordinance change) to let staff issue Certificates of Non-applicability for in kind work or work not visible from the public way, after first sending an email to the SHC notifying them of the work and waiting 24 hours.  If a SHC member feels it is visible or wants it reviewed, it goes to the next meeting.  If no SHC member objects or there are no SHC responses after 24 hours, staff issue the Cert.  

The same policy is used for Certificates of Appropriateness to change any color 3-tab asphalt roof to a black or charcoal grey 3-tab asphalt roof.

Jane A. Guy
Assistant Community Development Director
City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development
120 Washington St., 3rd Floor
Salem, MA  01970
(F) 978-740-0404
jguy at salem.com

How do other municipalities delegate responsibilities of the HPC? 


Our recent legal interpretation of Ch40C states that the HPC must make the determination if a feature is not visible from a public way, not Staff. Additionally, the statute does not use language that enables the HPC to delegate any responsibilities to Staff other that issuing Certificates for in-kind repairs, even if a list of materials has been identified by the HPC. 


Amie Hayes


Mayor's Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development

City of Somerville

93 Highland Avenue

Somerville, MA 02143


P: 617-625-6600 x2534

F: 617-625-0722

ahayes at somervillema.gov


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