[MassHistPres] Reproducing Copper Gutters with vertical striations - Does anyone know a source?

Greer Hardwicke ghardwicke at brooklinema.gov
Fri Jul 11 10:29:29 EDT 2014

The Town of Brookline has used McKenna roofing for many buildings, including our historic structures.  The did wonders on the Devotion House.  They have their own set up for working with copper.  You should give them a call.

Jim Cell #508-277-8574
email: jamesmmckenna at verizon.net

Greer Hardwicke, Preservation Planner
Office of Planning and Community Development
Town of Brookline
333 Washington Street
Brookline,  MA  02445
(617) 730-2089
ghardwicke at brooklinema.gov

When responding, please remember the Secretary of the Commonwealth considers email a public record.

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> on behalf of Marisa Morra <marisa-ah at comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 9:03 AM
To: MA Historic Preservation
Subject: [MassHistPres] Reproducing Copper Gutters with vertical striations     - Does anyone know a source?

Weston's Old Library is being restored this summer.  We specified an exact copy of the copper gutters that are the original 114 year old gutters, but have failed. The project managers/ overseeing architect has said that the vertical striations are only available in 3' or less widths, and if we want 10' runs ( as specified) then we can only get plain or horizontally striated  copper.  Visually this will be all wrong. Does anyone have a source for the longer length copper that  can be vertically striated?
please let us know.
Marisa Morra
Weston Historical Commission,
Old Library Oversight Member

original gutter
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