[MassHistPres] "knowledgable professionals associated with Historical Commissions"

james hadley jameswhadley at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 11 09:57:34 EDT 2014

Ms. Starkey,
Thank you for seconding my recommendation.
Your first and best choice is to recruit willing professionals to serve on your Commission. Preferably, to be frank, these would be persons who are retired. (I alienated many in the development community with my outspoken stances on preservation. And I was NOT retired.)
If this is not an option, and the Commission has funds to hire a consultant, this method works quite well. Many Community Preservation Commissions take this route. The Community Pres. Act includes administrative funding, and this is used by many CPC's for consulting on Preservation issues - reviewing appropriateness and also checking for potential unforeseen consequences of building fabric intercessions. These consultants are paid hourly for specific, designated tasks undertaken at the request of the CPC.
Finally, years ago, the town of Orleans on Cape Cod hired a preservation consulting firm to assist in surveying and recording the information on the historic properties of the Town. This effort resulted in a professionalization of the Form B information on file with the MHC, and informed the decision-making process on properties before us.
I wish all involved good luck with your efforts.
James Hadley AIA
Ex Chair, Orleans Historical Commission
From: mdstarkey at crocker.com
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:29:29 -0400
Subject: [MassHistPres] "knowledgable professionals associated with	Historical Commissions"

James Hadley’s comment on the importance of knowledgeable professionals associated with local historical commissions is important and helpful.  I would appreciate some detail on the way this works well. Do Commissions have a handy list? Is there a line item in their budget or is it informal/as needed?  Preservation Mass has long had an online consultants list that could be used, but it would be helpful to have an idea of how common it is for funds to be in HC annual budgets or as a standing item.                         Marcia StarkeyGreenfield
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