[MassHistPres] State and town roads within HD

Nancy Dole ndole at verizon.net
Tue May 13 12:26:30 EDT 2014

In your HDs are roads that run through the district considered part of the district? Do they need to be named specifically as listed properties in the district for HDC to have jurisdiction over them?  The State Highway that goes through West Tisbury HD is not specifically named on the list of properties included in the district. Nor is Music Street, although every property along it is part of the district and listed. 
This has come up because the  Town  wishes to buy and install energy efficient lights for the telephone poles along the roads, replacing those already there,  and some residents of the Town feel they are exceptionally ugly, and have requested that we review them as to whether or not appropriate. We do review outside lighting in the district. 
Nancy Dole
West Tisbury HDC

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