[MassHistPres] November 7, 8:30 a.m. to 1 pm, UMass Amherst, "Futures for Historic Preservation" Symposium

Max Page mpage at umass.edu
Wed Oct 8 13:39:01 EDT 2014


I hope many of you will attend our latest Preservation and Sustainability Symposium, “Futures for Historic Preservation," in Gordon Hall at UMass Amherst on November 7, from 8:30 am to 1 pm.  This year we begin a series of discussions about the future of historic preservation in anticipation of the anniversary of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act, which created the preservation system we all work under today.  

We have invited some outstanding experts — from the U.S. and abroad -- to share their proposals for building a stronger preservation movement in the next fifty years.  Speakers include Daniel Bluestone, Thompson Mayes, Cinzia Abbate, and Sergio Kiernan.

The symposium is free and open to the public, and includes a light lunch.  The only cost is for those architects who seek continuing education credits.  The registration form for those seeking credits is here:
We would, however, like an accurate count of those who will attend.  Please RSVP to Rachel Beesen  at rachelbeesen at gmail.com.  Please distribute the flyer attached far and wide!

All the best,


Professor of Architecture and History
Director of Historic Preservation Initiatives
University of Massachusetts
151 Presidents Drive
Amherst, MA  01003
mpage at umass.edu
Your State U with Max Page on WHMP Radio 1400AM (Wednesdays)
New book: Memories of Buenos Aires: Signs of State Terrorism in Argentina

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