[MassHistPres] Identifying, understanding, and publicizing the impact of historic sites

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Tue Oct 14 23:19:11 EDT 2014

"The Impact Project"" was announced at the American Association for State and Local History's annual meeting a few weeks ago.

It's one of the efforts from an ad hoc group that has come together to create the History Relevance campaign.

Here's what the information they're looking for by October 22:

"We are looking for history museums, historic sites, and similar organizations that are making an impact on their community using history. After we’ve collected a list of suggested history organizations, we will interview them to begin to identify exemplary practices and model programs to share with the field."

Max van Balgooy, formerly with the National Trust and now a consultant, is one of the organizers.  If you're interested in participating in this effort to broaden support for history, historic sites, and other resources in our community, you'll find contact information and more details are in this blog post: http://engagingplaces.net/2014/10/14/know-a-museum-or-site-making-an-impact-with-history/#more-2569.

Lee Wright  |  Marlborough  |  lee at leewright.net

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