[MassHistPres] Reduction or elimination of Town Fees for Affordable Housing

Fletcher, Susan SFLETCHER at mail.danvers-ma.org
Thu Apr 23 16:55:05 EDT 2015

Our Affordable Housing Trust is exploring ways in which we can encourage affordable housing opportunities in smaller housing projects.  We've actually had some property owners volunteer to have one of their units conform to DHCD's requirements for an affordable housing unit that could be included in our SHI.  However the unanticipated high costs and the amount of lead time associated with the SHI process may be an acceptable 'cost of doing business' for large affordable housing projects but for one or two units it is a very costly time consuming process for small developers.

Our Trust is considering providing the funding for the DHCD process in the future, however they would also like to explore other ways to provide some other incentives for a developer to consider providing some affordable units.  One tool that has been discussed is reducing or eliminating local permit fees.  Have any of your communities implemented such a program in order to encourage affordable housing opportunities?  Are there any other cost saving opportunities that you provide to encourage affordable housing?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

Susan Fletcher
Assistant Director
Department of Planning and Human Services
978.777.0001 x3027
sfletcher at mail.danvers-ma.org

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